Christmas Countdown

Those who know me know I’m the kind of guy to post a Christmas countdown in July on Facebook (true story).

Yes, I get excited for this time of year – especially when our friends at Amazon help us play ‘Santa’ with what seems like an endless stream of toys and gifts to redistribute to those in need across our communities. Thank you to our many wonderful partners who have helped make this Christmas extra special for our vulnerable neighbours.

As we enter the holiday season, do you ever wonder where the word ‘holidays’ comes from?

The ‘days’ part is fairly straightforward – a day is one rotation around the sun. Twenty-four hours. Or, if you mean strictly daylight hours, it’s sun up to sun down (which doesn’t feel all that long, these days).

That leaves us with ‘holi’ then. The origin for that is ‘holy’, meaning hallowed, sacred, and also relating to the word ‘whole’ as in complete. How appropriate that the ‘holiday season’ comes just as the year is nearly ‘complete’.

This time of year is special, or holy, to a great many people for different reasons. Some of us mark it as a time of thankfulness and celebration, appreciating and reflecting upon the blessings in your life. That’s certainly our mindset at Lionhearts. Your commitment has helped to restore dignity and transform lives, and we are sincerely thankful. On behalf of those we serve, thank you for empowering our mission and making a lasting impact in the lives of many.

Sometimes it feels like the holidays pass by too quickly – as the parties die down, you don’t want to take the lights down or stop enjoying the festive foods. You want to hang onto those warm holiday feelings all year ‘round. If you’re one of those people (like me), I have good news for you. There’s a way to do it.

The way to keep the spirit of the holidays alive in your heart is not with more gifts, or cookies, or snow (thankfully). It’s by sharing the spirit of holidays with others, taking the love in your heart and turning it into action in your community.

As we look back on 2023, we see a year of significant growth in what we’ve been able to achieve, and also in demand for our services. We mark our tenth anniversary next year, and plans are well underway to help rise to the challenges we see on the horizon.

Your year-end gifts, especially when paired with our ongoing matching campaign in the month of December, are greatly appreciated as they help us plan to, for instance, expand our vocational training offerings to help more people rebuild their lives, acquire more spaces for our transitional housing program, and fill more food boxes for vulnerable families with school-aged kids. In other words, your contributions whether through volunteering or donations are a way to share the love you have with those who could use it – at any time of the year.

As you celebrate the holidays, may your hearts be filled with joy, your homes with laughter, and your spirits with the magic of the season.


“Tell them about your dream”


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