We are in the compassion ‘business’

There’s a famous quote, sometimes attributed to author Margaret Mead, that the earliest evidence for civilization is a healed femur.

The idea behind this quote is that it’s not fire, or machinery, or agricultural innovations that make us human - it’s compassion and caring for one another. While a pack of animals might leave a sick or wounded member of the herd behind, at some point we evolved beyond that. It’s our ability to see value in others beyond our ability to earn wages or contribute to society in tangible ways that makes us ‘civilized’.

While we at Lionhearts may not be in the ‘business’ of healing broken bones, we are in the compassion ‘business’ - arguably a more complex endeavour (with apologies to any doctors reading). After all, a broken femur will probably need, at minimum, a cast or splint, plenty of rest, and painkillers (note: this is not medical advice). But how do you deliver a prescription dose of compassion?

We each receive love differently - for some, a warm meal and a warm bed is the starting point. For others, it might be a box of surprises and grocery essentials delivered to their door, helping them get through a tough season. And yet others need that encouragement that comes from mentorship, training, words of encouragement, and investment in them as a person - the hope of a second chance.

You could say we’re in prime ‘compassion season’ right now, stretching from Thanksgiving in October through to Christmas. Demand has never been higher as cold weather and feelings of missing out might start to creep in. And yet it’s always this time of year where millions of Canadians rise to the challenge, dig deep, and help deliver that necessary boost to those in need.

And the neat thing about delivering compassion is that we’re all capable of it and we each have many opportunities, big and small, each day. It can be as complex as a grand gift and a big announcement, or as simple as providing empathy to someone who really needs it. The invitation is there every day whether you’re looking for it or not.

To all those who partner with us to provide compassion each and every day of the year, thank you.


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